Friday, February 8, 2013

So, this is my very first post on this blog.  I want to use this time, to let you know what I desire this blog to be about.

Mostly, I want this blog to be a comfort and support for those Christians who have suffered oppression and intense persecution, which would include most of us, and I want to bring the truth of God's Word to light in this area.  I also want my posts to be about normal things in life, helping us to maintain the freedom in Christ that we have been given.

I will be writing about Church, being a momma, raising sons and daughters, home schooling, studying Scripture, modesty, health, gardening, and the joys of wearing the many "hats" most women do, but I will also be writing about spiritual abuse and being brought into bondage and slavery again, after once being set free by our precious Savior, and how to avoid having that happen in our lives.

I pray that God will use my writings to encourage and exhort, as well as to comfort and guide others into the truths of Scripture.  Only God can open eyes and change hearts, but my prayer is that He will use the time that I devote to writing here, to bring hope and freedom to all who have been oppressed and downtrodden.

May you find rest and comfort here, as well as the joys that God has given us in life, for us to enjoy!

Many blessings to you -- Isaiah 30:15 "For thus the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said: 'In repentance and rest you will be saved, In quietness and trust is your strength'."